Sunday, March 14, 2010

My web page address!

This is my web page address!

After pulling my hair out and doing the page 6 times come to find out...I downloaded the wrong Filezilla!
Wish I figured that out a little sooner, it would have saved me a couple of fits of screaming at my computer! LOL!!
Oh well, operator error like normal not the computers fault!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Research Journal 5 web pages or should I say slow death!

Ok I am hating this! I can not think of anything worse.... I would take a root canal without Novocaine over this!
I am stuck!
I have been stuck for days!
Everything I do .........ugh! HATE THIS!
I have gotten to the part where you load it onto a web server. My screen looks nothing like your screen shots!
As you can see from mine above ...look nothing like yours and I have done it over and over and over!
I can see if you knew what you were doing this could be a useful tool, and now I know why web developers make a handful of cash!
